Your financial support will go towards:
Conducting training workshops for key religious, community and cultural leaders on human rights, inclusion and acceptance of all people
Transportation of volunteers to and from training workshops
Coordinating and Materials needed for the Harmony Gardens Programs and Inclusive Clubs
Providing for underprivileged vulnerable children (orphans, HIV +/AIDS-affected children) with school fees, scholastic material (uniforms, books, pens, pencils mathematical sets), casual clothes and medical care
Rental space, serving as the ULA office and a temporary safe home for disowned and persecuted LGBTQI persons, violated women and abused children
Providing food, medical care and counseling to safe home occupants
Providing legal services and assistance to violated LGBTQI, women and children
Office supplies, stationery and printing
Electricity and water bills
Communication (i.e. internet connection, phone, SKYPE, etc.)