Support for Grandmother Caregivers

When a grandmother's son or daughter dies of AIDS, she often becomes the sole caregiver of the orphaned grandchildren. We at ULA provide forty-seven grandmothers with housing, food, blankets, clothes, and washing soap.
How we can help: One of the highest priorities for these grandmothers is to secure school fees for their grandchildren. For this purpose, they are extremely interested in obtaining meat goats, which would provide them a viable sustainable income-generating activity. Establishing a program to furnish goats for grandmothers is on our agenda at Universal Love Alliance.
Impact of Support for Three Brave Elders
"After losing two sons and their wives, I inherited the responsibility of providing for my seven grandchildren. Although the government of Uganda announced Universal Primary Education, it has not come to pass. And it was very difficult for me to pay school fees for my orphaned grandchildren under my care. The children had resorted to fetching water for people to earn money, which can help us buy salt, soap and food."
"Then ULA learned of my situation. I say 'thank you' to them for sponsoring my eldest grandson’s vocational training, a tool box and money to buy materials. He started making chairs, tables and wooden beds and selling them. He started providing for his young brothers and sisters, and even taking care of me. With the carpentry skills that he gained, he is now training his two brothers. A miracle has come to my home! It has changed my difficult life to a much better one, and it has changed the life of my orphaned grandchildren from a life of beggars to one of providers. I have been helped to forget the pain of losing my children. ULA became the “father and mother” of my orphaned grandchildren and has helped me to give them a decent, meaningful life. Not only can they care for themselves, but also for others. I am so thankful."
Grandmother Kanooti

“I cannot forget the day I received a blanket, washing soap and a bed sheet from ULA. My life changed. I have lived the most of life struggling, I came to Uganda from Rwanda because of conflict in my country. I now have taken care of one grandchild after her mother, my daughter, died of AIDS. I cannot find the father because me and my daughter used to move from place to place in search of food and work. My granddaughter and I have lived from village to village."
"One day the people of ULA came in this last village where we are staying and educated community leaders to care for the needy, the frustrated, the homeless and those seeking refuge for safety of their lives. One other person and I were chosen by the community to be given housing. ULA did not stop at that. The team provided me with basic needs like a blanket, bed sheets, washing soap, and they are now helping my granddaughter receive schooling. I now feel accepted in the village where am because of the ULA teaching to the community and support that the team provided me. I can sleep and cover myself, sleep in house. I am not insecure anymore. I am made to feel younger and fresh though I am elderly. I can feel and experience the meaning of life and humanity.”
Grandmother Gahurmire

“I was married at the age of 16. I produced 9 children -- 7 boys and 2 girls. My son died of HIV/AIDs in the early 80s when no one knew about it in our village. We thought he was bewitched. So, we sold most of our property to neighbors and spent money on witch doctors, thinking that he will be healed; but this never happened. He died, leaving 4 sons. They joined Yoweri Kaguta Museni in the bush, fighting in the liberation war which lasted for six years. One died there, and three came back HIV-positive. They lasted for one and a half years and died. One of my two daughters, I don't know where she is. She disappeared from home."
"ULA has helped me a lot, it provided me with a blanket, bed sheets, washing soap, and now they are paying school fees for one of my grandchildren. They found me freezing at night without anything to cover myself, the blankets I had were old; my grandchild was telling me every day that she wanted to go to school. This situation was beyond my control, but ULA came in and rescued me. I now have a good blanket, and my grandchild is going to school. I have nothing that I can offer to thank ULA, but only to give prayer that helps them in the work they are doing.”
Grandmother Ryana